SOL #22 Happy

As we sit at the dinner table our toddler exclaims, “I’m happy!”

We all smile, grateful that the tantrum has subsided, even if momentarily and prod for more, “Yeah, buddy? How come??”

“Cause I love my family!” she says with the biggest grin.


My heart is full of happiness, especially in this moment, and all because of her.


2 thoughts on “SOL #22 Happy

  1. >My heart is full of happiness, especially in this moment, and all because of her.<

    I love moments like these when the tantrums slow and smiles begin. This moment is one where so many of us have seen with our own toddlers. Thank your for sharing this with us today.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. #sigh

    Dear TheTeachingBee,

    Warning. I may be an over-processor, but I prefer to think of myself as highly analytical (smile). Here’s what I love in the beauty and succinctness of your post (and might I add, I have four boys – 6, 9, 14 and 17, so I think deeply about what little people are thinking – and they’re all little to me…).

    That she transitioned from tantrum to calmed;
    That she experienced a sensation that made a smile ebb across her face;
    That she connected it to an authentic and meaningful emotion;
    That her connection attached itself to experiences she’d had with her family had that elicited a pleasurable feeling;
    That she understood the question and was able to answer with confidence and clarity;
    That the thought of her family and the relationship she enjoyed brought her a happiness that helped her frustration subside;
    That she could verbalize that – as a toddler.

    That ma’am, consists of many, many reasons to smile.

    And when you consider how many toddlers are in circumstances that are the polar opposite that may never share her joy…that is incessantly special.

    She is healthy. She is happy. She is loved.

    Job well done, mom. Job well done.

    Thank you for sharing ;o)

    ~Dr. Carla Michelle Brown


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