SOL #30 But They are Family Too!

Not only am I wedding venue searching, but I am also apartment searching -both exhausting tasks that really matter in the end, especially for our happiness.

During my search, I had about twenty tabs pulled up – all different apartments in various areas and about 80% of apartments scream, “NO pets!” or “Cats only” or “2 pet limit, sorry not sorry.”

I’m a pretty understanding person, I get it. I know pets can be messy and sometimes destructive, but pets can also be your closest companions. And, under the right care, they can even be very well mannered in home and apartment settings.

That last sentence describes my animals. We have two cats (siblings, a boy and girl: Nami and Graves) and one dog (the Frenchie: Pudge). Sometimes they have what my fiancé and I like to call “the sprinties,” but other than that, they are awesome companions!

They are the friendliest animals I know to other people. They also hardly make a mess!

I’m just disappointed that the search for a place to live with my furry friends is near-to-impossible. Of course I’ve snagged a few places under my wing and contacted them immediately, but I’ve been turned down by so many others.

One place even had the AUDACITY to ask, “We have a two pet policy. Is this a deal breaker for you?”

“ABSOLUTELY. IT DEFINITELY IS!” I practically yelled back.

My polite response back didn’t reflect it, but I sure did feel it!
If it is not a “deal breaker”, then I’m not a good owner, a good family member, a good companion. My animals are my family. They are NOT going anywhere, and neither am I.

And so, the search continues…

SOL #29 For My Mother


You are my giddy laughter

You are the warm sun and the light breeze

You are my big, bright smile

You are the music in my soul

You are “My Sunshine, My only Sunshine”

You are a tight hug on a bad day

You are encouragement to be better

You are the push to be more

You are all “thank you”s and “please”s

You are my belief

You are the back rub that says, “Everything will be okay”

You are my tenderness

You are my love for animals

You are car chanting, “CRA-ZY, CRA-ZY!”

You are the catcher of my tears

You are the paint on my canvas

You are the drawing on my walls

You are silly, made-up words

You are my creative

You are the tickle-monster

You are the walks to the park

You are my stay up late, and care for others

You are my never-give-up

You are the smile in my heart

You are my inspiration

You are my hero


YOU are everything I am.

I am everything YOU are.


Mom, YOU are my “happy dance”


Today is my mom’s birthday, so, naturally, I needed to post about the most influential human in my life.


At a very young age, my mother brought sunshine to mine and my siblings’ lives. From dancing to disney music to craft making and playing at the park, my mom was a super mom to ANY kid!

All the kids in the neighborhood knew it too! She would always open her heart for any child.

She is always the warm hug you need in a sad moment and a guiding hand when you need a pick-me-up.

More than that, she always “happy dances” when we accomplish anything big in her mind! Always praising, always loving, always encouraging.

My mom has been, to this day, the best mom any kid could ever receive. I lucked out! So on this day, and every day, I am privileged to be your daughter, to be created by all of your love.

Mom and Me!.jpg

I love you, mom.

Happy Birthday!

SOL #28 J.Lo did NOT have it easy!

She didn’t! I mean, I’m baffled!

I’ve spent the majority of today -and when I say majority, I mean hours upon hours-searching and researching wedding venues. My eyes feel dead. I feel exhausted. Annnd I’ve missed most of the sunlight today because I was SO determined to get these wedding things done!

Bah. She’s got it hard in the Wedding Planner! What work! And I’ve only just begun!!! YIKES!

J. Lo the Wedding Planner.jpg

I might just have to quit my job and become a full-time wedding planner -at least it seems like that’s what it’s going to take!

So toodle-oo for tonight!

I’m hitting the hay with much accomplished, but exhausted eyes.

SOL #27 Rainy Day Walks with My Sweethearts

Already today has been an eventful day!

My fiancé and I went out for brunch with his family. Planned for later, we are heading over to my family’s for some linner or dunch (lunch/dinner 😛 ).

So he’s getting a nap in, because as they say…Introverts.png

and this is so, so very true.

I decided to take Pudge (my dog, if you haven’t read my past posts) on a walk. I invited my niece along too.

Unfortunately, Mother Nature doesn’t always agree and it began to drizzle. That wasn’t about to stop us!

We grabbed our umbrellas, and away we went!


Rainy Day Walks with My Sweethearts 2.jpg


Credit for the picture goes to the future mother-in-law.
We ran into her and my future sister-in-law on their way back from the store. So happy they captured the moment because it turned into a pretty cool picture. 😛

SOL #26 Grateful for the Pudge

A nuzzled nose pushes into the crook of my neck.

Then a paw and pads gently rub my face.

What’s that?

A piggy noise?

And then there’s breath on my face. Little puffs.

Ready for food.

Ready for play he says.

Good morning, Pudge! (My dog).


What a way to wake up! I can’t say how grateful I am to have a little cuddle bug at night and an alarm clock in the morning with this little man!

Here he is snoring again! 😛


SOL #25 Let’s give It a Try

Today I’m posting past the deadline, but hey for me, it’s still March 25th.

Besides, I tried on wedding dresses today for the first time ever!!

It was a lot of fun, and also a lot of hassle…getting the dresses on and off, but mostly because I swimming in all of them!

They were all at least two sizes too big!

Some looked really great on and had potential, but it even the really beautiful ones needed to be tried on in MUCH smaller sizes to get the effect.

For my first wedding-dress-trying-on session, I think it went pretty successfully.

My mom and two sisters were there too, which made it all the more memorable, of course. I love them guys.

Mom and Me Trying on Wedding Dresses.jpg

No worries, this is NOT the dress! I still have to choose one! 😛

SOL #22 And They made Mine

On the weekend I attended a student’s basketball game at the recreational center. She was beyond-words-excited! Every moment she had, she’d turn and smile at me or wave or give a quick thumbs up. At one point, we even air high-fived (that’s a new thing we do in my class). 🙂

So it was supposed to be one game, about thirty minutes, and then I realized my other students were on another team and my students from last year were on another…let’s just say I ended up being there for about two hours. BUT I LOVED IT.

I LOVE making their day! The smiles on their faces just seeing me there, supporting them. I know it means the world to them.

So on Monday, the student I originally went to see was so thrilled I saw her play during her last basketball game that she brought me a boquet of flowers!

She knew I’d love it, so she made mine too. 🙂Flowers from Devynn.jpg

SOL #21 In with the Old

So although I missed the cutoff for the Eastern Pacific whatever time.. I still feel the need to blog. Isn’t that the goal?! 🙂

My friends got me hooked, yes. Haha.

Anyway, I went back to some of my old ways, which, hey, might be a good idea!

Back  in high school, I was in Track and Field. I did a lot of sprinting and jumping. I was also in Volleyball, libero (if you don’t know what that is, it’s the back-row position, where you constantly sprint back and forth, stop suddenly, and dive to the floor). I was in Softball for a season too, but I guess the first two will help you see the point – I was VERY active and also EXTREMELY hard on my shins.

I’m what you call a pusher. (Slight reference to Mean Girls, yes. :P) I push myself harder than I need to and my biggest critic is myself. I have the utmost expectations for me, which has put me into this predicament of shin-hurting pain, always.

Anytime I become more active regularly (mostly running, I must admit), my shins start killing me! Probably part of the pushing-myself-too-hard-thing.

So now, this very second, this very moment I am “ice-bucketing”. Let me explain for those of you that are not sporteers. I have a giant bucket, full of ice water and my legs, up to my knees, are resting inside for a frigid, frozen twenty minutes.

It actually helps, believe it or not, and you get used to the feeling if you do it regularly, but this girl hasn’t done it in approximately six years. WHOA!

I’m not old, but I’m definitely not feeling young right now.

So right now, I’m watching Gilmore Girls, eating sandwiches, blogging, and petting my dog trying to distract myself from the numbing of my toes. AHHH!

I hope the ice-bucketing works and gets me back to my physical fitness days.

Here’s to hoping! 😛