My Vision Board 2016


My Very Vision Board 2016

There are many visions I have for my future, some goals are for this upcoming year, while others are life-long goals.

To begin with, one short-term goal I have is to have my room to be a poop free zone. I’ve been training my french bulldog puppy to go potty outside. He has been mostly successful, except for during the night when he ventures out of bed. He does his deed on the pee pads we have, but the ultimate goal is for him to hold his business until we wake up and can take him out. The sad, heart-wrenching thing about this is that our baby is our cuddle buddy during the night, but if he continues to go without permission, we will have to crate train him for a bit. -siiigh- Hopefully he learns before the crate comes in; if not, he’ll have to get use to the crate for a while.

Another thing I’d LOVE is to ride in a hot air balloon. They’ve always captivated me. It would be lovely to see the world from another view. Just something I’ve always wanted. The balloon also represents a tattoo I’d like to get. I would like to get many tattoos, small and delicate, but meaningful. Those will come in time and mostly after my wedding, I hope.

This year I would like to make healthier choices, starting with working out and yoga. I’ve always loved yoga/meditation because it brings me inner peace and comfort. I also enjoy working out and the benefits, although I prefer sports to help get me fit. My goal is to participate in yoga/meditation more often and to workout (hopefully with sports) regularly. I want to create a routine and stick to it!

As I have mentioned previously, this year I will be co-teaching. My dream is that we will not only get along, but grow together, learn together, and teach and inspire children together as well, hence the two figures putting puzzle pieces together. Key word: together.

I will be my school’s PBIS Universal Coach this year along with one of my colleagues. My hope is to succeed in helping my classroom and my school reflect more positivity, mostly via behavior. It is my favorite to go out of my way to point out a student in the hallway and reward them for their good behavior, especially when they least expect it. I teach all my students the meaning of integrity; every student that demonstrates this should be rewarded at some point in their lives. I hope I can help all students lead a better path of positive behavior.

Wow! I’m beginning to notice I have a lot of goals. I guess, in the very least, this vision board has helped me come to this realization. Yet another goal of mine, in hopefull the very near future, is to get a place of our own. Just me, my fiance, my dog, and cats. Ahhhh, the life. What I’d really adore is a 1 bedroom apartment with either lots of windows and/or a balcony. I love the sun and would be thrilled to have a place of our own with sunshine included.

To go along with my last goal, I’d like to spend more time with my fiancé, dog, and cats. I am embarking on a journey with the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club in hopes that leaving at 4:30 at the latest will become a reality. A note to my fiancé: Zack, thanks for sticking by me and supporting me these past two crazy beginning years of teaching. I couldn’t have done it without you; you are my foundation. I love you! Let’s look forward to more time together in the future! ❤

My wedding was originally planned for 2017 (not in detail, don’t fret!), but we are moving it back to 2018. Simply put, we just don’t have the funds! Unlike many folks out there, my parents and my fiance’s parents are not capable of supporting us, so, as it has always been for me, we must support ourselves. My dear, dear friends, weddings are expensive! I could cut things here and there, but it still wouldn’t be enough; therefore, I have decided that we will push back the date and save. For the only wedding of my life (since I love Zack more than anything in the world), I’d like to make it rememberable for both of us and give us both the wedding we deserve. At the same time, I am keeping in mind that I must be level-headed and I remind myself that it’s only one day, it is OUR day and I’d like it to be everything we want and more (within price range). So my goal is to save up to 10,000 dollars… CHA CHING! Here goes nothing! 🙂

In the distant future, hopefully it will fall in succession with my marriage, I want to be pregnant and have kids more than anything in the world. I have always dreamed of being a mom; this is my one ultimate goal and dream in life. I live for kids and would do anything to raise some of my own, with my Zachary, of course.

Assertion: this one is overwhelmingly important to me and very near to my heart. Many times I have admitted to being non-confrontational and emotional, but I have also found, very recently in fact, that people abuse this knowledge. These people I have trusted with my weaknesses, displayed them on my sleeve, have used them against me, whether intentionally or unintentionally is another matter. Anyway, I’m tired of the sh*t, pardon my french. I still believe there is value in my non-confrontational ways because unlike others that are quick to act or quick to burn flesh with their tongue, I think through my thoughts, pick my battles, and then fight the good fight; this being said, I am going to be just as fierce and assertive as I tell my students to be. We teach C.A.R.E.S. in my school, which includes cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy, and self-control. Assertion is my weakness. I tell my students, “Well, if Student A doesn’t know she is hurting your feelings, you should say something!” or “Stand up for yourself and tell them you don’t like it when they laugh at you.” Now it is my turn to learn. The adult world is a much crueler and less forgiving place, but so be it. Slowly, but surely, I have become more assertive and my goal is to continue on this journey without forgetting to think through my thoughts, pick my battles, and fight the good fight.

And now I apologize for that bit of a ramble. 😛

Finally, my last vision on my board is to write more. When I was younger and more naive I use to write more, and now I am still getting back into the writing groove (see previous post on “My Writing Journey” for more details). I want this writing journey to continue and expand exponentially. It’s a beautiful outlet, a wonderful source of information, and a lovely foundation for friendship. I hope this writing life continues until the last of my days in whatever form it may be.

I hope I haven’t shared too much of my vision with you. 🙂

Currently (A Late Day)

According to my natural habits, I am late to posting about this topic. I am writing for my friend, Michelle’s blog, BigTimeLiteracy. Check it out if you don’t know about it. She’s an amazing literacy coach, an awesome friend, and an even better writer! Hey, that’s what you get when “words” is your love language, right, Gary Chapman? 😉

Anyway, the first day asks us to write what we are “currently” listening, loving, thinking, wanting, needing, and hoping/ truth-ing, if you will. Apparently the “currently” idea was derived from “Oh Boy… It’s Farley!” Blog, which I know very little about and have linked it here for you to check it out for yourself!

So, without further ado…


At the moment, I am obsessed with listening to a playlist on Spotify known as “Mood Booster”. I’m really into upbeat songs, especially now that it’s summer and I can jam with the windows down, hair tangling in the wind, and music turned up. 🙂 Not all the music on the list is my fav, but some are definitely worth the mood booster, if you know what I mean? 😉

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My little frenchie. He’s literally the best, so I’m going to apologize in advance for my non-stop talk about that little dude. He’s the cutest, cuddliest, friendliest, most loving dog I’ve ever met. At night he sleeps in between my fiancé’s legs. In the morning, he wakes me with little paws to the face, stretches, and playful nibbles. At potty time, he waits for commands and follows me without a leash, collar, or fence. He “adventures”, while I read and has reawakened my love for nature, calm, and contentment in the quiet. After our outside time, we stroll to the front yard and chase each other, but he never goes far without my permission. At playtime, he huffs, puffs, grunts, and snorts with his silly scrunched nose. During relaxation time, he plops next to me, on top of me, or as close as he can get to me until I move to an alternative place. He walks by my side and follows me, like I am his best friend and he is mine – and he truly is mine.

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“Man, I’m always late…like with this post! And, sigh, now I’ll be late for today’s too,” is exactly what’s going through my mind right now. I’m late. Everywhere I go… unless I’m required to be there, then, I’m EXACTLY on time. I just hate time. Why does it govern our every thought and move? “Oh, it’s time for dinner!” or “See you later I’m meeting so and so at 5:00.” It’s exhausting, and quite frankly, I can’t keep up.

I use to get entirely frustrated with myself, so much so, that I loathed myself. Every time I was late, I would beat myself up and hey, so would the people around me-so it was a double whammy! If you couldn’t already surmise, this whole “time” experience was not healthy.

For a while I worked to change it. Being to work was never really the problem, but outside of work, like meeting up with friends…that was the bigger issue. Many things worked for a time (<– and there it is again! That darned thing!), but none lasted and in the end, the self-loathing returned.

Until one day, I finally said, “To hell with it! This is who I am. Why let time constrain me and give me anxiety? Time is not my master, my soul belongs to nature, where moments are not spent wondering, ‘What time is it?’ rather they are spent basking in the flow.” It is in these moments, that I accomplish, that I have joy, that I am truly at peace.

And I’m writing, when others are not, so even if it’s late, who truly cares? In the end, the time will not matter, but how it was spent will. Therefore, I choose to spend my time with my own version of accomplishment, joy, and peace.

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This is me… a slave to the stupid clock. 😡


I want a better lifestyle. I want to get healthy, workout, and choose more nutritious foods. All these things come with time and practice. Growing up my family didn’t have a lot of choice in foods. We shopped at cheaper stores and bought cheaper, pre-packaged meals. Dessert was scarce, and sometimes the food was too. Things like food and gaining weight were never really a problem because we never got much of it in the first place. But now, now that’s different.

Now, I actually make more than my parents did; socioeconomically, I have done very well for myself, but my body is suffering. 😦 I know, some of you will look and say, “What are you talking about?! You look great!”, but let’s remember, friends, we all have our vices and we all have our wants.

I know this is something I want to invest more time, strength, and will power, just getting started and sticking is key. This is one of my goals.



My own place. That is what I need. Currently my fiancé and I live with his family. We have benefitted so much from this arrangement, not to mention the excellent meals (Thanks momma Anderson!) and low rent…THANK YOU!!! But there comes a time in every family’s life when they need their own dwelling…and our time is now. I like the little, quiet things. The morning moments to myself. The let me walk around naked and drink coffee or go on a walk without any question moments, but I don’t get very many of those moments without living in our own place. It’s expensive, especially with saving for a wedding, but needs to be done…and so, I continue the search for a cozy, comfy new place to call home.



I am hoping for the very best this upcoming year. This will be my first year as a co-teacher, which, needless to say, I am nervous. We will be spending LOTS of time together (that’s an understatement for sure!), making TONS of decisions (another understatement), helping to develop and grow young, malleable minds, and creating a Classroom Family together. This job is not just a job for me; it is my career; it is my profession; it is my calling. As such, being a teacher, and being a good one, is my driving purpose in life. And without going into TOO much more detail, you see why collaboration, understanding, trust, commitment, and passion are a must for this year to be as successful as I hope it will be.working together.jpgWill we be a match?!


What is YOUR currently?! I’d love to find out! 🙂

SOL #30 But They are Family Too!

Not only am I wedding venue searching, but I am also apartment searching -both exhausting tasks that really matter in the end, especially for our happiness.

During my search, I had about twenty tabs pulled up – all different apartments in various areas and about 80% of apartments scream, “NO pets!” or “Cats only” or “2 pet limit, sorry not sorry.”

I’m a pretty understanding person, I get it. I know pets can be messy and sometimes destructive, but pets can also be your closest companions. And, under the right care, they can even be very well mannered in home and apartment settings.

That last sentence describes my animals. We have two cats (siblings, a boy and girl: Nami and Graves) and one dog (the Frenchie: Pudge). Sometimes they have what my fiancé and I like to call “the sprinties,” but other than that, they are awesome companions!

They are the friendliest animals I know to other people. They also hardly make a mess!

I’m just disappointed that the search for a place to live with my furry friends is near-to-impossible. Of course I’ve snagged a few places under my wing and contacted them immediately, but I’ve been turned down by so many others.

One place even had the AUDACITY to ask, “We have a two pet policy. Is this a deal breaker for you?”

“ABSOLUTELY. IT DEFINITELY IS!” I practically yelled back.

My polite response back didn’t reflect it, but I sure did feel it!
If it is not a “deal breaker”, then I’m not a good owner, a good family member, a good companion. My animals are my family. They are NOT going anywhere, and neither am I.

And so, the search continues…

SOL #27 Rainy Day Walks with My Sweethearts

Already today has been an eventful day!

My fiancé and I went out for brunch with his family. Planned for later, we are heading over to my family’s for some linner or dunch (lunch/dinner 😛 ).

So he’s getting a nap in, because as they say…Introverts.png

and this is so, so very true.

I decided to take Pudge (my dog, if you haven’t read my past posts) on a walk. I invited my niece along too.

Unfortunately, Mother Nature doesn’t always agree and it began to drizzle. That wasn’t about to stop us!

We grabbed our umbrellas, and away we went!


Rainy Day Walks with My Sweethearts 2.jpg


Credit for the picture goes to the future mother-in-law.
We ran into her and my future sister-in-law on their way back from the store. So happy they captured the moment because it turned into a pretty cool picture. 😛

SOL #26 Grateful for the Pudge

A nuzzled nose pushes into the crook of my neck.

Then a paw and pads gently rub my face.

What’s that?

A piggy noise?

And then there’s breath on my face. Little puffs.

Ready for food.

Ready for play he says.

Good morning, Pudge! (My dog).


What a way to wake up! I can’t say how grateful I am to have a little cuddle bug at night and an alarm clock in the morning with this little man!

Here he is snoring again! 😛


SOL Day #1 A Pudgy Kind of Day

These past days have been difficult to say the least..been sick and in the hospital, working non-stop on final evaluation artifacts, and had a student move away. 😦

I have to say, I was ready for the worst today, but surprised to find this happy *ding* in my pocket.

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Needless to say, you never know how much cute puppy eyes and the smile of your best friend might make your day!