SOL #9 The Reader Winner

The other Third Grade class has this ongoing contest to see who can read the furthest in Fox with Socks without any mistakes. For days my colleagues, who are co-teachers, have been bantering about who is the better reader, despite the fact that they nearly tied on page twelve.

I was visiting in their class, waiting for their students to go to specials, when suddenly my grading was interrupted with, “Miss Kriegl, do YOU want to try? We need to give EVERYONE a turn!”

I looked up, realizing she was talking about the legendary book, Fox in Socks.

Needless to say, I had heard of the competition and was nervous! I wasn’t even paying attention to the reading…and…my mind was racing, when was the last time I had read Fox with Socks?! I don’t know, maybe middle school? No, elementary?!
Oh no…

But I HAD to be brave. I needed to show the other students that it is okay to rise to a challenge.

I started off slow at first, and very rhythmic, “Knox in box Fox in socks.”

As I continued, my confidence grew. I fell into the pattern and rhythms of the book…passed page 5, passed page 10…Getting closer!

I could feel my heart racing…what was coming next? What was the word they were tripped up on?! How will I beat them if I don’t know!

Instant regret! I should have been listening to the third graders read! Too late now…

Wait, did I just pass page 13? YES! I did! And there went, “Here’s an easy Game to play. Here’s an easy Thing to say …”

When finally, “Who sees who sew?” tripped me up ON PAGE 21.

PAGE 21!!! I did it…and then some! The kids began to scream and clap!

“Your the world champion!”another student yelled.


And what a proud, silly, Suess moment it was. ❤




10 thoughts on “SOL #9 The Reader Winner

  1. Congratulations! Wow, you did it! You are the World Champion! What a fun day. Your job sounds like the best job in the world, encouraging students, teaching to be brave by example.
    I wonder who many children you are helping to be brave? How many lives you are influencing for good?


    1. I mean, it’s not always rainbows and sunshines, but it’s definitely the job that has the most rewards and it’s where my heart belongs. 🙂 I hope I am helping many! And thank you for that lovely thought. That’s the goal!


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