SOL #29 For My Mother


You are my giddy laughter

You are the warm sun and the light breeze

You are my big, bright smile

You are the music in my soul

You are “My Sunshine, My only Sunshine”

You are a tight hug on a bad day

You are encouragement to be better

You are the push to be more

You are all “thank you”s and “please”s

You are my belief

You are the back rub that says, “Everything will be okay”

You are my tenderness

You are my love for animals

You are car chanting, “CRA-ZY, CRA-ZY!”

You are the catcher of my tears

You are the paint on my canvas

You are the drawing on my walls

You are silly, made-up words

You are my creative

You are the tickle-monster

You are the walks to the park

You are my stay up late, and care for others

You are my never-give-up

You are the smile in my heart

You are my inspiration

You are my hero


YOU are everything I am.

I am everything YOU are.


Mom, YOU are my “happy dance”


Today is my mom’s birthday, so, naturally, I needed to post about the most influential human in my life.


At a very young age, my mother brought sunshine to mine and my siblings’ lives. From dancing to disney music to craft making and playing at the park, my mom was a super mom to ANY kid!

All the kids in the neighborhood knew it too! She would always open her heart for any child.

She is always the warm hug you need in a sad moment and a guiding hand when you need a pick-me-up.

More than that, she always “happy dances” when we accomplish anything big in her mind! Always praising, always loving, always encouraging.

My mom has been, to this day, the best mom any kid could ever receive. I lucked out! So on this day, and every day, I am privileged to be your daughter, to be created by all of your love.

Mom and Me!.jpg

I love you, mom.

Happy Birthday!

7 thoughts on “SOL #29 For My Mother

  1. rosecappelli

    What a wonderful tribute! The metaphors you created about your mom are beautiful. I think she would be a very special person to get to know.


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